The Modern Marketer

The Display Digest: Unlocking the Power of Display Ads
July 6, 2023
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The Display Digest: Unlocking the Power of Display Ads

Welcome to another issue of The Modern Marketer! In this issue, we delve into the powerful world of display ads and explore how they can enhance your lead generation efforts. Display ads, often overlooked in favor of other marketing tactics, have the potential to drive valuable leads and enhance your overall marketing strategy. So, let's dive in and discover the ways in which display ads can help you reach your lead generation goals.

As a consumer browsing for a solution, if you have ever been delighted to find the perfect answer in a display ad, you can thank the Google Display Network for it. And as a business owner, if an ad campaign has led you to your perfect target audience effortlessly, you can once again thank the Google Display Network for it!

The Google display ads you see everywhere online, are distributed through the Google Display Network (GDN). The GDN is spread over 2 million sites, apps and videos, and connects 90% of the internet users worldwide.

In other words it's literally impossible to avoid seeing Google ads if you are online.

And that's a great thing for digital marketers!

Digital marketers love display ads and display ads rely on the GDN. If your goal is lead gen, no other strategy comes close to the effectiveness and ROI provided by Google display ads. The level of reach and precision targeting that it makes possible is staggering and unmatched.

Let’s look at demystifying what GDN actually does.

What is the GDN?

The Google Display Network(GDN) is a vast online network whose reach extends to billions of users worldwide and is made up of websites, platforms, apps, across multiple devices. When a display ad campaign is launched the user gets to see ads relevant to their needs, on their screen when they are online.These ads are customized to be viewed only by those users who fall into the target audience criteria established by the business.

Let’s suppose you are a business looking to identify your audience. You know the demographics, the persona, and  the geographies within which your target audience lies. How do you reach out to them? How do you know where they are?And when they are online?

GDN helps you run your display ad campaigns to target prospects based on various parameters such as audience affinities, in market segments and custom intent keywords.

Audience affinities are audiences defined based on their interests and habits.Businesses often use these to create the ideal persona and then use lookalike modeling to build a target group.

In-market segments are audiences that have expressed interest in the broad product category and this is derived from their views, clicks and content consumption pattern.

And custom intent keywords are keywords that relate specifically to your solution. So when a visitor enters this term you know that this prospect is a prospect ready to buy.

When these are combined, the audience segment identified is a core group of high quality marketing qualified leads (MQL) with a high likelihood of conversion.

How do you optimize the Google Display Network?

  • Amplify brand awareness through ads that will get displayed on sites that your target audience frequents
  • Accelerate website traffic through ads strategically placed on related, relevant businesses.
  • Retarget people who have expressed interest with ads on sites they visit
  • Generate more leads by encouraging interested visitors to sign up for newsletters, free trials, discounts or other communication
  • Boost sales with ads that promote particular offerings.

At Think ABM we are proud of our track record in successful implementation of display ad campaign to generate MQLs. Our clients have acknowledged our competency and provided glowing feedback on the successful  projects we’ve run for them.

Use cases: where you can use display ad marketing

Based on our experience, we’ve discovered certain use cases where display ads have been highly successful in generating leads for a spectrum of reasons.

1. Event promotions

Event success depends on effective promotion. Online targeting through ads helps generate the buzz and stir up excitement for an upcoming event. Using display ads for your webinars, seminars, workshops, masterclasses will ensure you meet your target participant numbers and registrations.

2. Newsletter signups

Newsletters are fast becoming a powerful channel for establishing connect, maintaining engagement and creating a valuable network.  Drive sign-ups through targeted display ads, highlighting benefits, exclusive content, and incentives. Convert engaged individuals into leads for ongoing communication and relationship-building.

3. Online businesses

Drive e-commerce lead generation and conversions with visually appealing display ads, featuring special offers and targeting interested users, leading to increased sales and capturing valuable leads.

4. New product launches

Capture leads and increase conversions during product launches or promotions with visually captivating display ads that highlight unique features or offers, building excitement and curiosity among potential customers.

5. Content promotions

Promote thought leadership papers, ebooks and lead magnets with compelling display ads highlighting benefits, driving traffic to dedicated landing pages, and generating high-quality leads for nurturing and engagement.

Enhancing effectiveness for better results

The range of display ad formats is wide. Advertisers willing to experiment with their creativity often get better results. The GDN supports text, images, videos, reels, responsive ads and interactive ones too and combinations and modifications to content to enhance appeal to different audiences can push the bar higher.

The quality of leads is reflected in the accurate  understanding of customers and their pain points. When businesses are able to provide accurate inputs on their ideal audience profile,it becomes easier for  precise and  targeted ads. The razor-sharp precision dramatically improves the quality of leads and the odds of conversion.

Another key benefit is the data and analytics that the Google ad console provides. With close monitoring and data, it is possible to get realtime insights into what is working and what is not. With timely corrections, such as tweaking the sites, the platforms or even the devices it is possible to ensure maximum coverage.


Display ads have emerged as a powerful tool in the world of lead generation. Their ability to expand reach, target specific audiences, engage users with creative visuals, retarget interested prospects, and provide measurable results makes them an essential component of any comprehensive marketing strategy. Incorporating display ads into your lead generation efforts, can help effectively capture the attention of your target audience, nurture leads, and drive conversions. Remember to focus on creating visually appealing and compelling ads, leverage precise targeting options, and continuously optimize your campaigns for maximum results.

If you would like to explore display ads and personally experience its effectiveness, get in touch with us at Think ABM.

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