10 Reasons Why You Need to Outsource Your B2B Lead Generation

10 Reasons Why You Need to Outsource Your B2B Lead Generation
24 May
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All businesses, irrespective of size, need support to generate a steady flow of leads. But can all businesses afford to employ and maintain large in-house teams of B2B marketing professionals who are experts in their field?

This is why most smart businesses prefer to outsource their lead-gen marketing. And it's not limited to small or medium businesses: large enterprises, too, prefer to outsource their lead prospecting to professionals. In this blog, we discuss 10 reasons why this is such an intelligent decision.

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B2B lead generation can be scary. One moment, your pipeline is flush with leads; the next, it's run dry, and you can't see a glimmer of hope.

How do you, as a sales and marketing, ensure your pipeline is robust? How do you, as a business, ensure a steady stream of leads?

Amongst smaller and medium-sized businesses, organic leads often emerge from a close network, recommendations from previous customers, or renewals.

That, for sure, is not enough.

You need to expand the net far and wide.

For that, you need a large team of B2B marketing professionals.

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An ideal team would consist of an army of marketing professionals who can help you identify your target market and build ICP and TALs. Add to these business development executives who can scan and research the market for your target persona and establish connects with them. You’ll also need content marketers to build strategies to capture attention, nurture, engage and reel in leads through various marketing collateral. This is besides building the brand identity and establishing the messaging.

Graphic designers are essential to create assets that are visually appealing and grab eyeballs in a crowded marketplace. Digital marketers are the go-to people to help you run paid and organic campaigns on social media channels and post on your handles to keep audiences engaged until they turn into leads.

Website managers who manage the backend and analysts who can measure, gather data and analyze the metrics to assess the performance and effectiveness of initiatives will also need to be a part of the team owing to the equally crucial role they play.

Not all businesses can afford such larger marketing divisions. Subcontracting a function that is not a core business but essential to the business, therefore is an efficient, and smart way of working.

What makes outsourcing B2B lead generation such a smart move? Here are 10 reasons why this makes immense sense!

10 reasons outsource b2b lead gen - Think ABM

1. Optimize your return.

Outsourcing makes more sense because you can get maximum returns. When you are dealing with a team of professionals who are subject matter experts in marketing, you can be assured you will get the outcome you need because a good team has clear insight into what needs to be done and can visualize the roadmap clearly.

2. Focus on results, not processes.

You will need to be involved only with the outcome and spare the efforts of planning, execution, monitoring, management, tracking, etc. This leaves you with the bandwidth to spend your time on your core business.

3. Benefit from the varied experience of professionals.

Since these teams have been exposed to multiple implementations across the industry, they are better equipped with deeper knowledge, intelligence, and exposure. They are qualified to implement the best and latest marketing techniques from marketing automation tools to ABM and harnessing psychographics and display ads to extract leads that convert.

4. Benefit from continuity and definiteness.

It is not uncommon for in-house teams to have key members leave because of various reasons. This can cause stoppages that can put back plans and even derail it completely.

5. Cost efficiencies definitely need to be considered.

In-house teams cannot afford to hire all the best people, and the costs can be prohibitive. Using lead generation services can be highly cost-effective.

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6. Elasticity of services.

There are certain periods of time when demand for social media campaigns is high, and then there are lean periods. In such cases, an outsourced agency can easily meet the demands without overly stretching budgets.

7. Benefits of bulk operations.

Several project management tools and apps are available only to those who work on a large scale. Smaller in-house teams may not have access to these due to resource constraints, whereas agencies that operate on a larger scale can leverage these.

8. Clarity of vision and direction.

Professional management comes with the additional benefit of a clear vision of the results expected. This makes the efforts focused and the results more definite and reliable.

9. Foresight and caution.

With experience comes greater understanding. Professional teams are able to flag potential issues or roadblocks well in advance based on their past experience.

10. Competition driving excellence.

B2B lead generation services need to be up to date and deliver the best results in order to survive and maintain their competitiveness in the market. This makes them more dedicated to their client goals. With their own skin in the game, there is a greater commitment to ensuring customer success.

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Working smart with a focus on end results is the way forward for all businesses. And when they have the crucial step of guaranteed MQL generation, businesses can only thrive and grow. There is no doubt that a team of marketing professionals drawn from different backgrounds with decades of experience, knowledge, and deep, incisive insights will have more to offer than a small team with a single or limited perspective.

How do you generate leads at your organization? Have you tried outsourcing? Give us a shout-out, and we will show you how this works. See your business trajectory zoom!

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