Mastering the Right Approach for the Traditionalist: How to Engage and Convert Better

Mastering the Right Approach for the Traditionalist: How to Engage and Convert Better
17 Sep
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In the second in our series of blogs on personality models, we focus on the conservative prospect. We look into their train of thought and mindsets to understand how businesses can establish a rapport with this type of audience. Audience segmentation that uses qualitative psychographic insights to identify persona types, experience higher levels of engagement and conversion.

In this blog we look at the Conservative prospect – the one who is traditional, hardworking, family-oriented, values craftsmanship, luxury, and exclusivity.

Mastering the Right Approach for the Traditionalist: How to Engage and Convert Better

In marketing, knowing your target audience is vital for effective strategies. Tailoring approaches for your target audience is crucial, as each possesses unique preferences and traits. In our previous blog, we had discussed how to approach the Leader persona. This blogpost delves into a tailored approach for the conservative prospect, also known as the Traditionalist.

Understanding the Conservative Personality

A conservative type persona is characterized by a strong belief in traditional values and ways of life. This individual appreciates luxury and is drawn to exclusive and limited-edition products, finding allure in the rarity and uniqueness they offer.

Such a person takes pride in hard work and success, valuing the rewards that come with it.

To effectively market to this audience, businesses should emphasize the opulence and high-quality aspects of their products or services.

Utilizing vertical structures and tiered levels can resonate with the conservative mindset, encouraging them to strive for superiority and achievement within their chosen lifestyle. Employing these strategies can create a powerful appeal to the conservative demographic.

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Among the approaches that will appeal to the conservative person is:

Entice with the idea of luxury: The love for luxury runs deep within the conservative persona, as it aligns with their appreciation for traditional values and status. To such individuals, luxury represents a reward for their hard work and dedication, symbolizing their elevated position in society.

The allure of indulging in opulence and exclusivity speaks to their desire for something extraordinary and beyond the ordinary. Whether it's a premium product or a lavish lifestyle, the conservative demographic is drawn to the finer things in life, seeking solace in the comfort and refinement that luxury provides.

Businesses catering to this audience can effectively tap into this sentiment by crafting marketing messages that highlight the premium quality, exquisite craftsmanship, and unique offerings, enticing the conservative consumer with the promise of an elevated experience.

Need for a Superior Experience: The conservative mindset holds a deep-rooted value for achieving superiority and progress in life. This innate desire to ascend to higher levels motivates them to seek out products and services that complement their journey towards success.

Businesses can appeal to this need for a superior experience by creating tiered structures that allow consumers to unlock enhanced benefits as they progress within the brand. The idea of working their way up the ladder resonates with this audience, as it aligns with their belief in personal growth and achievement.

Additionally, marketing strategies can leverage the appeal to authority, by showcasing testimonials from respected figures or industry experts, legitimizing the brand and encouraging traditionalists to choose products that elevate their status and contribute to their ongoing pursuit of excellence.

the big five personality - conservative - Think ABM

How do you engage a prospect with a Conservative persona?

  1. Point out content that is forward-thinking or based on new research as it may hold more appeal to this attendee type: To resonate with conservative personas, direct mail should emphasize cutting-edge content and insights from recent research. As individuals who value staying informed and ahead of the curve, showcasing innovative ideas or industry advancements can pique their interest and draw them to engage with event materials.
  2. Allow free time and space for disengagement as this type of attendee often needs downtime to recharge: Recognizing the conservative persona's need for balance and restoration, event planners should structure agendas to include breaks and downtime. Allowing time for reflection and relaxation enables them to recharge and fully immerse themselves in the event, fostering a more productive and fulfilling experience.
  3. Consider incorporating on-demand and/or virtual sessions to allow them to attend the event in their own comfort zone – from their office or home: Understanding that conservatives may prefer familiar environments, offering on-demand and virtual sessions allows them to participate in the event from their preferred space. Whether it's attending from their office or the comfort of their home, this flexibility aligns with their desire for control over their attendance, encouraging higher engagement and participation.
  4. For non-mandatory meetings, be certain the invitation clearly states the benefits of attending: When inviting conservative attendees to non-mandatory events, it's crucial to communicate the value and benefits of their participation explicitly. Highlighting how the event aligns with their values, professional growth, or networking opportunities will encourage them to prioritize attendance. Clear and compelling invitations ensure they feel their time will be well-spent, increasing the likelihood of their enthusiastic response and involvement.

The Final Word

To summarize, the typical conservative persona embraces a deep love for luxury, seeking products and services that signal status and exclusivity. They are drawn to ideas of superiority, premium offerings, and scarcity, and are driven by a longing to be at the top of the hierarchy. They revel in experiences that are in the realms of luxury, fashion, and high-end experiences. This mindset drives them to appreciate and indulge in items that epitomize opulence and elevate their sense of achievement and distinction.

It is insights such as these, that help marketers to create custom campaigns and approaches that increase the odds of meeting their goals.

At Think ABM we do not stop at identifying audiences based on demographics but also look into psychographic data to ensure that the target is the right fit for the business. Each personality type is different. The heavy lifting we do in finding the perfect match helps our clients experience dramatically higher engagement and conversion rates.

To know more, get in touch with us today!

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